Thursday, July 19, 2007

Running Away - is not the solution

In order to grow spiritually and accomplish the real purpose of your life, running away from this world is not the right way. Many people who are becoming aware of the problems in the world and have started to learn that everything done here is not worth at all, should start learning and understanding Krishna. He is not running away. Could somebody who is trying to run away answer one question? Where do you want to go after leaving this world behind?? Everywhere you go, this world will follow you. Everyplace you go, this world exists. This is omnipresent. If you leave your family, friends, culture, duties behind and go at some place where you are alone, what will you do? What will you eat? Where will you live? These are the basic needs of humans and cannot be ignored. And in order to achieve them you will again have to join your threads with the world which you tried to leave behind. You can’t exist alone. It all depends on changing your attitude towards life and understanding you and your purpose. That’s all. If you have arose in yourself, if you have understood your purpose, then food, living, locations won’t make a difference. Your actions will not cause sins and problems.

Sin is not a process and it is not applicable to a certain act. Sin is a thought process and wholly depends on your attitude. Any action can be a sin, if your attitude is wrong or ill. Every action can be a blessing if your way of perceiving yourself is right. Krishna is a beautiful example of one of the very few remarkable people who lived their life fully after knowing their purpose. Mahaveera, Buddha, Ramakrishna, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, are few others. These people did not leave the world. The world changed for them the moment they started perceiving it the right way.

Krishna is not a chooser. Krishna is the perfect process of living life. This is the reason, why standing against the followers of krishna, there are lots of people against Krishna. They cannot digest and understand Krishna accepting everything with a glace and not choosing a few of them. The only reason is that, they see the world divided into two parts, also called the dwait way. They see few list of things and processes which are right and rest are wrong. Nothing here is wrong or right. Everything is here for a purpose. You just have to follow the right way and see through an unbiased vision. This is very strange. “Things are not what they appear to be, nor are they otherwise” – Buddha.
Our vision is not clean and unbiased. Our eyes are not just the receivers to the world, but they are also transmitters. This can be strange to know. But this is true. We see what we want to see. Depending on our illusions and experiences, we have created a big circle of illusion which affects everything we see. Not only the eyes, but that affects all the five senses. We should learn to see and accept things in an unbiased manner like Krishna. That’s why you see Krishna not running away from the Mahabharata as Arjuna was trying too. Arjuna’s statement was also true. It is not that Arjuna’s feeling was wrong or different, it was obvious. Arjuna was seeing the war as a bloodshed, as a destroying process, a process which will take the lives of many creating lots of pain and curses. He was seeing the war for the kingdom was not worth if the cost was to take the lives of his own relatives. But Krishna is explaning him two things. One, war is not a bloodshed and is not a taboo or ignorable part of life. But it is an unavoidable part of living. It should be accepted with pride but only when needed. Krishna had also tried all means of avoiding it, but when it is at the cost of the human values and rights, then war becomes important. And second, Soul is immortal. You are not the life taker and life giver. The divine soul inside this physical body is immortal and cannot be burnt, soaked or destroyed. It is like an energy which just transforms from one form to other form. So Arjuna’s feeling is every human’s feeling and he is representing every single human. Krishna is showing him the right way to perceive life. And Krishna is not explaining to him, but to all humans, to us, to every single living soul. Start thinking about how your perception towards life can be improvised, can be revised. Re-review all your actions. Don’t wait for the miracles to happen. Start the first step!! Which is most important, and Krishna can take you ahead!!


Unknown said...

Well you say Krishna says follow the path of truth but don't you feel he has cheated in the war (Mahabharat)?
Do you remember the incidence when Arjuna and Duryodhan were going to have a fight, Gandhari told Duryodhan to come in front of her after his bath without clothing. This was because she was granted a power by Krishna that whenever she open her eyes and see anybody that person wont ever be hurt or wont die (I don't remember this clearly). But Krishna goes to Duryodhan and on Duryodhan's way to Gandhari, Krishna tells him to wear a kacha atleast as he is going in front of a lady though she is his mother he shouldn't be going in front of her unclothed. And Duryodhan agrees to it.
During the fight when Krishna sees that Arjuna is going to lose the fight he signals Arjuna to hit Duryodhan on his thigh.
Wasn't this cheating? Wasn't this unfair means of winning?
Please don't say everything is fair in Love and war... I don't understand then how is Krishna right...

Ruchir said...

What if you could tell a lie and save a thousand lives because of it. Would you do it? I would. Who says that truth is preferrable to un-truth? It is only something people believe in. That we should not kill anyone is also a thought that we collectively believe in. But it is a belief we have made up. Some do not believe this and they kill without remorse. That does not make them less human. Some countries today, such as UK, do not have death penalty. Other countires, such as USA, do. Who is to say what is right. YOU. You decide what you consider right, not Krishna, nor anyone else. Krishna is right according to his value system. You are right according to yours. But eventually, right and wrong are only concepts in our heads. If everyone recognized this, we would have much less strife in the world.