Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Let's make things better

Lets all work together to define and create a better place of living in this world. Do you all think, day by day the world is becoming a boring and stale place to live?

All those who have the same perspective as mine to create world a better place, are requested to drop in their ideas to me directly. Let’s get things straight from there.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

He who sees Me everywhere and all Me, I am not lost to him, nor is he lost to Me

This is again a very important verse from the sixth chapter of the Mahapurana, The Geeta.

Krishna is talking about “Yoga of Self-control” in this (sixth) chapter. The biggest control is the self control; to control and cease the mind from wandering here and there. The mind is very delicate and utmost powerful. It is fooling around you since centuries. Though you being the Master, are serving as a slave to your mind. You immediately follow what your mind says. Have you thought about not listening to your mind and giving orders to it instead? The day you start getting control on your mind, you initiate your first step towards spirituality. Spirituality is nothing but living in the correct way, to be simple and to understand oneself. Being simple is being spiritual; nothing less nothing more. People all over the world do all sorts of absurd and nonsensical activities in the name of spirituality. This is due to ignorance and lack of understanding. There is nothing to be borrowed or to be achieved. All is within you. This is not easy to understand. You yourself have the most unique and countless collections of powers, gems, energies within you. The only thing is to accept yourself as you are. Discontinue the identification process with the world. Accept your nature and your emotions as it is. This leads to being simple. This is the whole process. Nothing else is needed.

In the above verse, Krishna is talking about devotion and offering yourself completely to him. The day you start believing Krishna from full heart and accept himself as the charioteer of your life, as he was for Arjuna in Mahabharata, you will conquer the final purpose of this world. He will take care of your life onwards.

Krishna says “He who sees me everywhere and all me, I am not lost to him, nor he is lost to Me.” This means that if you trust him and let him lead your life, he will do the rest for you. Dedicate all your breaths, karmas (actions), struggles to him. Seeing him everywhere means believing that he is omnipresent. Understanding that, he is everywhere. All comes, survives and ends in him. He is the only start, he is the process and he is the only end. Those who perceive and live by the above thought will never lose him nor is he lost to them. He is present everywhere for them. Krishna is responsible for all the actions of his bhaktas (disciples). See him everywhere and you will find him everywhere!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

….Those who worship me, come to me

This is a verse from the ninth chapter of the famous Mahapurana, the Geeta. The verse is as follows:

Those who worship gods, go to gods,
Those who worship ancestors, go to ancestors,
Those who worship elements, reach to elements,
Those who worship me, come to me.

Krishna says, “Those who worship me, come to me.” The meaning of the verse is simple yet valuable.

Worshiper finally reaches the worshipped. Worshiper gets dissolved in the worshipped. The meaning is: Be careful while selecting your friends, inmates. This world is a reflection of your rays; the light emitted from your heart. This world is a mirror. It has everything and still nothing. All that you see around yourself is nothing but the echo of your feelings, talks and actions. You can see what you want to; you can reach where you want to. If you aim for mountains, you can conquer them, if you demand valleys, you can explore them. The world is colourless, flavourless. It is you, who puts the flavour in. This is the reason why all the communities are fascinated by different rituals. Africans feel shaved head as a symbol of beauty. Indians feel hair add beauty to your persona. It’s neither actually. Your illusion from thousands of years makes you feel so. Different people are interested in different activities. If activities had pleasure in them, why would everybody not be interested in similar things!

So Krishna says, be careful while selecting your goals. Be thoughtful while deciding your mates. Ultimately, it is your decisions, actions and choices, which define your destiny. Worshipping Krishna does not mean speaking his name aloud one hundred and eight times everyday, but understanding him, loving him and walking on the path craved by him. This will lead you towards him. Those walking towards him will finally find him!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

He has all!

Krishna is covering all the aspects and all the forms of life. He has disguised himself in all the human forms possible. He has all in him and although he is so empty. Emptiness does not hinder his completeness. His life has all the examples that prove his different roles, different faces. He has shown up everything possible in his life. If you start reviewing Krishna’s life, starting from his childhood, you will find everything possible. He has enjoyed all the facets, lived in all the emotions, involved in all kinds of acts, disguised in all the roles. He is a God, a human, a teacher, a dancer, a musician, a thief, a crook, a player, a student, a warrior, a charioteer, a flee, a mischief, a great son, a great lover, a villager, a prince, an idol god for numerous saints (bhaktas) and all and all.

He is stealing butter from mud pots of gokul huts amusing all the villagers. His mother Yashoda is trying to catch and punish him every time he does that. The biggest and the most powerful God; the father of the universe is crying and running away when his mother is running to catch him; what an irony!! He is killing all the devils and demons, relieving all the humans from their ill acts. He is spell bounding the cows, Gopis (cow-herd girls) and all the humans and getting a name of “Gopi Krishna”. He is playing ‘Maharaas’, the famous night of love and dance, and makes his love immortal in the world; Gita Govinda is also a process towards immortalizing krishna’s love activities. He is fighting with weighty body-builders Chanura, Mushtika in the kingdom of cruel king Kansa at the age of 17. He portrays an ideal son’s duties freeing his parents from Kansa’s prison. He is the charioteer of Prince Arjuna’s chariot and leading the Mahabharat, the biggest battle in the history of Bharata (India). He is also narrating the most intellectual portfolio; the father of all the religious epics, the Geeta purana. The Geeta itself is a big epic to be explained in several upcoming articles. He is explaining the doctrines for life to Vidura. He is the king of Dwarka and hence called “Dwarkadheesha”, adding to the list of his more than a thousand names. He lifts the huge Govardhana parvat (mountain) and saves the residents of gokul village from the rage of the lord Indra.

He defines and acts on all the perspectives of life. He is a master. He has all in him. One more point to be understood in this context is that he is worshipped in pieces. Does it seem surprising? It might be to many of them. Let me elaborate more. Since he has everything, his talks are unequivocal, indefinite. He supports some argument some time, may defend some other point under some other circumstances. Like Buddha or Mahaveera or even Lord Rama, his words are not direct and directional. Mahaveera is favoring tyaga (relinquishment and abandonment), Buddha is favoring dhyana (Meditation), Lord Rama is favoring principles. Krishna doesn’t favour anything. He is neither an atheist nor a theist. He is beyond the two; hence he is a trickster and creates any appearance required. All this creates confusion for Krishna lovers. Hence they see their own likes in him. He is loved and worshipped in different ways. Some have chosen Mahabharata, some have chosen Bhagvata, and some prefer Geeta. Surdas loves his childhood, his flute, his childhood musings, on the other hand Jaidev loves his enchanting love and sensual expressions and composes an great immortal epic on that; Geeta Govinda. Somebody offers him flowers, some body offers him makkhan-mishri (mixture of butter and sugar), some offer him blood; following his warrior principles. People all over the world have seen and absorbed him in their own ways. This is although an injustice to Krishna. Krishna should be absorbed fully and in the way he is; humans are still unworthy to accept him as he is. That’s why he is for the future. You need his soul to understand him!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Krishna VS Freud

More or less this is a related perspective rather a “Versus” one. Sigmund Freud, as the world calls him, the “the father of psychoanalysis", was a medical expert and psychiatrist from Germany. Sigmund Freud, physiologist, medical doctor, psychologist and father of psychoanalysis, is generally recognized as one of the most influential and authoritative thinkers of the twentieth century.

Those who know about Freud, might be surprised to see his name coming up with Krishna. But that is the point, this article is presented.

We all are suppressing ourselves. We are not breathing; we are behaving like dead bodies. Day by day, we are becoming mechanical robots, who can work for 24 cross 7 but cannot think, breathe, feel or sense. Those who are left alive are getting dull and dull everyday having unbearable pressures from our system. Our system presses us to behave like robots. Suppression was one major hidden area in which Freud leaves an exceptional imprint by his dedicated and remarkable work. He is known for his experiments, research and writings in the field of suppression. Freud says, Suppression should be thrown out of us. Suppression and Repression towards life creates more and more complicated humans. Freud also explained the cause and meaning of Dreams. Dreams, which he called the "royal road to the unconscious," provided the best access to our unconscious life and the best illustration of its "logic," which was different from the logic of conscious thought. Freud developed his first topology of the psyche in The Interpretation of Dreams (1899) in which he proposed the argument that the unconscious exists and described a method for gaining access to it.

Let’s see how Freud relates to Krishna. Krishna, as we now know (I hope), is the perfect man and lives his life in a super perfect and correct manner. He is not suppressing anything, neither otherwise. Crossing the boundary of suppression is one important gem to be learned from Krishna. Freud also acts as a fighter against suppression and provides all the necessary evidences. He is helping Krishna in fighting against suppression. He is trying to eradicate this enrooted disease of choosing few things and repelling few things. He is walking on one important principle shown by Krishna. It is very disappointing to see that Freud is not accepted with pride, though he is helping the humanity in an area which requires enormous courage and bravery. Freud is like a Bomb which explodes on the society and destroys all the causes of suppression. People started to think in this sector only after Freud’s theories. Though Krishna is saying lot more things, but let us also welcome Freud with the same respect and pride and try to explore his theories and understand them.

Even if 15% of the world gets free of suppression then Freud has done his job.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Black suffices all colors

How many of you know Krishna was black, I mean, had a dark complexion? Has anybody ever given a thought about it?

Black is the color of Depth. Black is the color of the Sea. All the colors in this world originate from white and end in black. Black and white define the two ends of the color line; like two shores of a sea. Black is one extreme and white is another.

Fill some water in a glass or a bucket. Try to find the color of the water. Any answers? White Or Transparent? Both are correct. Then fill some water in a tank, and then in bigger tank and onwards. Do you notice any difference in the color? Well, the color doesn’t change. But as we add more and more depth to the level of water, the color shade slide towards darkness. If you check out the water in a sea or a river, it appears dark. That’s how it is. Well some will say that water in the sea or river appears blue; true. But that blue is the reflection of the Sky in the water. Presume, there is no sky, or if you are looking at the color of the sea during night, then most of them will agree. It appears completely dark, totally black.

Black relates to two major entities; Depth and Veil or Mask. Let’s talk about how black relates to veil. Black is the color of covering, masking. It covers everything. You can hide anything and everything in black. A beautiful metaphor exists in relation to the sea and the darkness. Sea also acts like a veil or cover. Everything can be stored and hidden in sea. There is no limit to its length, breadth and depth. It seems to be touching horizons.

Associating Krishna with black color has some actual meaning behind it. Whosoever has associated Krishna with the black color has done the right job. Krishna’s beauty is eternal and deep. The smile that you can see on his face is not just existent on his face, it is coming from his heart, it is enrooted still deeper and comes from his soul. His expressions and emotions are coming from his soul. Every word or expression coming from Krishna is not trivial; it has real immeasurable depth associated with it. Due to this reason, Krishna’s face appears dark. Hence, Krishna is called Sanwara. If you look at your expressions with an unbiased view, you will find that most of your expressions are momentary, depthless and hollow. They don’t have any life in them. You laugh because you want to show somebody that you are laughing. You cry because you feel that crying out will make you feel lighter against some incident. Try to feel your feelings. See if there is any soul breathing in them or not. Soul less body is a dead body. It’s a graveyard here. We are all trying to become good actors. We never show what we feel. We always show something else. Be realistic, learn to breathe. That will make you simple. You are currently very complicated. Learn to live and live to learn. Both are equally important!!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Krishna belongs to this world

The title might seem confusing for many people but it is true. Krishna belongs to this world. Even though it seems simple, it has a real depth associated with it. And it is very important to understand where “this world” is pointing to. Belonging to this world doesn’t mean he was born here, which is true also. Belonging to this world means, he is the only Man who suggests and indicates towards what can be called the BEST way of living in this world and exploiting your full potentials. He utilizes all his skills; uses them at the right place and at the right time. He really knows how to react for every thing happening or might happen in your life if you are surviving in this world. Only he has answers to all the questions possible here. He keeps silent sometimes, provides perfect answers when queried. He signifies perfect man and perfect way of living. Some might feel that they are also living the right way. But I want to tell you something, Krishna is not just a person’s name. Krishna signifies a process of being realistic, perfect and correct. When you live the right way, then you have reached the state called Krishna. You have to embrace Krishna’s soul and his way of living to be perfect. No other way to do it. Being perfect and correct means being Krishna. No other human, devil, legend or God, living or dead is as perfect as Krishna. He is just perfect. Everybody has something, but then something is missing. You don’t find anything missing in Krishna.

One more thing to realize is that Krishna is of here and now. Krishna is not telling you that god exists somewhere far and you need to do meditation and yoga or hang yourself upside down or do starving for 10 years, nothing like that. He is saying that you are god. You are born with that sort of energy. Open your eyes. How long will you keep yourself in dark? He is throwing light on your face to wake you up. He says, if you have doubts, look at me. Live like I am. I am not a Teacher and you are not my disciple. I am an example for you. I am illustration to the right way of living. I am here only for you. Wake up. It has been long time, since you are ignoring yourself. He is of full relevance to this world. You cannot see that you can’t see. You can only see what is available. You can only hear what is present and audible. Krishna says, don’t look here and there. Don’t try to find other worlds. Don’t follow mystical statements to trust what you cannot see, feel or hear. This is the right place. You are here for a purpose. Live the best way. Live the way I want you to live. He is of full relevance means; what is the meaning of “Relevance”. Relevance means in full connection with the subject, nothing crap and unrelated to the topic. So he is completely relevant to this world. All his actions, all his sayings are in relation to this world. He is singing the music tuned to you and your world. He is working in your spirit. He is craving a path for you to walk on. You won’t find anything in Krishna, which was not required. Any such activity or what ever he has done here was all what needed and not an inch further. His life is full blossomed, like a garden in the spring, like Full Moon. You can see all the colors in him. You see all facets of life in him. He lives it to the fullest extent. He shows all what is possible for you, we humans. He had not come here for some of his personal purpose or for his own sake. He was here for us. Only and only for humans. To wake you up, to show you what is possible. To show you, what universal and never ending energy you are born with. He was here to shake you, why are you happy with the crap. Big oceans of love, huge gardens of fragrance are waiting for you!! Try and follow him. Realize Krishna.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Love the Krishna’s way

Krishna’s way of loving is different. Krishna’s love is eternal, its unlimited, it’s unbounded and it is unexplainable. Love to him and love for him is governed by your clear heart. The clearer your heart is, the near he is to you. If your mind if full of dirt and garbage, how can you feel his love. A clean heart is the criterion.

If you remember the famous incident of the Mahabharata, where Draupadi was insulted in front of the whole kingdom of Kauravas during Mahabharata (Incident of Cheerharana during Hindu epic Mahabharata). You will definitely recall that her pride was saved by Krishna. There is a very cute hidden fact deeply buried in this incident which indicates towards Krishna’s way of loving. That fact is so beautiful and lovely that if you could only understand and implement that one fact in your life, you would lead to him without any obstacles. Krishna says that is how you should love, that is how you should pray. The incident is like this:

Draupadi’s (The pandava queen) pride was getting insulted by Dushasana since Yudhishtara (The Pandava king) had lost her in the game of Chausara against Kauravas. Draupadi was crying and shouting for help but nobody in the whole kingdom could help her. Everybody had their own reasons for it. That kingdom contained few of the most powerful men in the history of India however nobody could show their virility to help her. Finally she realized that only one power could help her from that trouble and that is Krishna – the God, the only MAN. She started to pray to him to come and help her. But before Krishna arrived to help and save her, a long time had passed. The time went by.

After few days, she went to Krishna and asked him “Why did you take so much time to come to save me? Don’t you care for me and my respect Krishna?”. I was being indignified in front of so many people.

Krishna replied, “Hey Draupadi, Do you remember the name by which you were calling me.” She replied “Dwarkadish”. Krishna said, “This is the answer to your question. You had called me from Dwarka, which is quite far. Had you called me by ‘Ghatghatkewasi’, I could have been there in no time. It is not that I am far from you. It depends on how you think I am. If you think, I am far then I am far. If you think, I am everywhere, then I am everywhere for you.”

The story might be symbolic but is a good indication of how you should love Krishna; in the purest form and with absolute trust.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Running Away - is not the solution

In order to grow spiritually and accomplish the real purpose of your life, running away from this world is not the right way. Many people who are becoming aware of the problems in the world and have started to learn that everything done here is not worth at all, should start learning and understanding Krishna. He is not running away. Could somebody who is trying to run away answer one question? Where do you want to go after leaving this world behind?? Everywhere you go, this world will follow you. Everyplace you go, this world exists. This is omnipresent. If you leave your family, friends, culture, duties behind and go at some place where you are alone, what will you do? What will you eat? Where will you live? These are the basic needs of humans and cannot be ignored. And in order to achieve them you will again have to join your threads with the world which you tried to leave behind. You can’t exist alone. It all depends on changing your attitude towards life and understanding you and your purpose. That’s all. If you have arose in yourself, if you have understood your purpose, then food, living, locations won’t make a difference. Your actions will not cause sins and problems.

Sin is not a process and it is not applicable to a certain act. Sin is a thought process and wholly depends on your attitude. Any action can be a sin, if your attitude is wrong or ill. Every action can be a blessing if your way of perceiving yourself is right. Krishna is a beautiful example of one of the very few remarkable people who lived their life fully after knowing their purpose. Mahaveera, Buddha, Ramakrishna, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, are few others. These people did not leave the world. The world changed for them the moment they started perceiving it the right way.

Krishna is not a chooser. Krishna is the perfect process of living life. This is the reason, why standing against the followers of krishna, there are lots of people against Krishna. They cannot digest and understand Krishna accepting everything with a glace and not choosing a few of them. The only reason is that, they see the world divided into two parts, also called the dwait way. They see few list of things and processes which are right and rest are wrong. Nothing here is wrong or right. Everything is here for a purpose. You just have to follow the right way and see through an unbiased vision. This is very strange. “Things are not what they appear to be, nor are they otherwise” – Buddha.
Our vision is not clean and unbiased. Our eyes are not just the receivers to the world, but they are also transmitters. This can be strange to know. But this is true. We see what we want to see. Depending on our illusions and experiences, we have created a big circle of illusion which affects everything we see. Not only the eyes, but that affects all the five senses. We should learn to see and accept things in an unbiased manner like Krishna. That’s why you see Krishna not running away from the Mahabharata as Arjuna was trying too. Arjuna’s statement was also true. It is not that Arjuna’s feeling was wrong or different, it was obvious. Arjuna was seeing the war as a bloodshed, as a destroying process, a process which will take the lives of many creating lots of pain and curses. He was seeing the war for the kingdom was not worth if the cost was to take the lives of his own relatives. But Krishna is explaning him two things. One, war is not a bloodshed and is not a taboo or ignorable part of life. But it is an unavoidable part of living. It should be accepted with pride but only when needed. Krishna had also tried all means of avoiding it, but when it is at the cost of the human values and rights, then war becomes important. And second, Soul is immortal. You are not the life taker and life giver. The divine soul inside this physical body is immortal and cannot be burnt, soaked or destroyed. It is like an energy which just transforms from one form to other form. So Arjuna’s feeling is every human’s feeling and he is representing every single human. Krishna is showing him the right way to perceive life. And Krishna is not explaining to him, but to all humans, to us, to every single living soul. Start thinking about how your perception towards life can be improvised, can be revised. Re-review all your actions. Don’t wait for the miracles to happen. Start the first step!! Which is most important, and Krishna can take you ahead!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Krishna is for the Future!!!!

Does anyone has given a thought about it. Krishna is not for the past neither is he for the present, In the deepest terms he is for the future. How? Krishna is covering all the facets and aspects of human life. Humans have still not understood krishna. Humans cannot understand how can someone hold both the sides of a coin at the same time. Human minds are trained to see and understand only one side of a coin, either one. Two shores of a river cannot meet. This is the soul reason why humans still have a problem understanding krishna. Krishna holds both the sides of a surface and not only understands and works on them and at the same time, he is neither seen disturbed or frustrated. He preserves his lovely smile. He acceps life with pride, energy and respect. Humans will need a long time before they can even understand krishna. Following him and working on his footsteps will be the later part. He is the farthest milestone for the future.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Few more words about krishna

Krishna cannot be explained in words although words will help us to find out more about him but not actual krishna. He is not just a person, he is a state, a process, not just an idol but a energy which lets the idol alive.
Krishna is the only God or person which covers all the aspects of life. He has lived life to fullest terms and accepting all colors. He does not chooses a single aspect and he is not a follower of a particular principle but he says that everything present seen and unseen is a part of life and is existing with a purpose behind it. Krishna is not seen running away from any part of life. He accepts everything with a lovely pink smile on his lips. No other legend is found accepting all facets with equal love and respect. Hence Krishna is unique in his own way. He does not discards war, neither disagrees with arguments. For him, nothing is ill or evil. Everything serves a purpose.

All the incidents in his life are indicating towards his way of perceiving life. Krishna is a thief stealing butter from the mudpots, he is a fighter standing against all the evil powers, a life saver picking up the Govardhan mountain on his finger, a philosopher explaining gems of life to Arjuna and udhava, a lover spreading his blessings to the gopis and the mankind, a musician spellbouding all the humans, animals through his magnetic flute,a warrior leading the Mahabharata, a great son which frees his mother and father from the kansa's prison...

The incident in Bhagvata Geeta when krishna was explaining the Arjuna why to fight and not to run away point towards a very immortal and divine principal of life. He is neither in favour of the war nor in favour of the peace. He says, when you have tried all your ways to stop the war, in order to save mankind but if still war is unavoidable, then running away is not correct. Accept it with pride. Accept it with Full grace. He is the simplest of all and complicated enough when required. He is beyond the TWO - phenomenon.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Understand Krishna

Welcome to the world of Krishna. He is the god of love, god of power, god of energy and god of versatility. Krishna depicts the complete GOD of the sampoorna avatars of all the Hindu forms of god. This blog is devoted to him. A prayer from all of us to him.

So, I invite you all on this divine journey which will lead us to him, the only purpose of human birth.

Let us start our first step towards him by saying a few names of him. As we continue I will keep telling you about his birth, his childhood, his youth, and his divine teachings, his sincere and pure efforts for the benefit of mankind and much more about him.
Krishna is known by many names. Some of them are Gopal, Murlidhar, Giridhar, Madhusudan, Nandalal, Yashodanandan, devakinandan, Chakradhar, Makhanchor, Nandkishore, Hari, Balgopal, Govinda, Keshava, Mohan, Purshottam, Shyam, Vasudev, Shyamsundar, Yadavendra and many more. However you can call him by whatever name you want. He is the god with largest names and largest forms.